Bullying and harassment is one of many challenges Employees can encounter in a working environment. Bullying and harassment is behaviour which makes someone feel intimidated or offended and typical examples include:
- Spreading malicious rumours
- Unfair treatment
- Picking on or regularly undermining someone
- Denying someone’s training or promotion opportunities
- Subjecting an Employee to micro management or excessive workload.
Bullying and harassment can occur in many different forms including:
- Face to face
- By letter
- By email
- By phone
What should you do if you are bullied or harassed?
You should attempt at first instance to sort out the problem informally. This would be considered the path of least resistance. If this is unsuccessful, you should then talk to:
- Your Manager
- Your HR Department
- Your trade union representative.
If the matter is still unresolved, you have the option of lodging a formal complaint. This should be done in accordance with the internal policy, if one exists, and this then triggers a duty of care to you, on the part of the employer, in order to prevent this from continuing. The Employer will then have to examine the content of your complaint and take action if this is considered necessary. If there is a failure to protect you, you will have options which would include resigning on the basis of constructive dismissal.
If you feel you require advice on your rights in circumstances where you feel you have been bullied or harassed, please call me today and during a free consultation I will tailor advice to your circumstances.